Tuesday Emma was sad because she had no one to play with after school....Daddy was gone, being with me is boring, and it had been rainy and gloomy forever. (We actually had a sunny day today!!!) So I told her we would see if one of her friends could come play after school on Thursday. So I talked to her friend’s mom and she said yes. So the plan was for me to pick them up from school and walk home with them. Well....I had to get some car repairs done and they said it would be ready at 2:00, 10 minutes before school gets out. I figured I would have just enough time, but they randomly shut down the road from the auto hobby shop to the flight line and I had to go all the way around the other way....so I was late. The girls were very responsible though. Emma went and picked up her friend, and they walked home. I had told Emma that if I ever wasn’t home when she got home (sometimes we get stuck in traffic off base or stopped at the flightline) that she should stay home and just play on the iPad. So when I walked in, that’s what they were doing. Then they played board/card games and had snacks. They both had a lot of fun. Lots of giggles, and for once no one cared if they lost a game! They just had fun.

We are really loving all the “junior” versions of board games right now.

They took a selfie 😍
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