Emma and I got our hair cut this week. It has been so hot even my ponytail was bothering me. We both feel much better, but we need to get Emma’s fixed. Hers is not straight. Mine was not a great cut either, I will probably fined a different person next time, but at least we are cooler!
Today I went to Yokosuka , a naval base a couple hours away, to see an ENT. I have been having trouble sleeping/breathing, and it’s not allergies. Steven stayed with Emma and I went with my friend Shannon. We only made a couple wrong turns...Japanese people are so nice, they let you merge! Driving in basically Tokyo wasn’t so bad, just expensive tolls. It was so nice to get out, and we even took some time to shop at their HUGE NEX. (BX) It was what I imagined when people describe giant BXs...like a Walmart and JC Penny. We had A&W for lunch, and I may have had a milkshake. 😋 And bought a pound of strawberries for $8....we haven’t had any for a while.
My appointment was fine. He put something up my nose and told me that while I have a deviated septum, it should not be causing me to not sleep. And my nasal passages are not swollen. He would do a CT scan to check for anything else, but I would have to wait for his replacement in mid Aug to do it. He thinks it’s either sleep apnea or my thyroid. So he recommended I ask my PCM here at Yokota to do a sleep study and check my thyroid levels. I was glad he listened, checked me out...and that I don’t have to keep going down there. I’m probably not going to get a CT scan if it’s not going to solve my problem. I think Emma and Daddy had a good, but long day. They went to Joyful Honda, a giant store, and looked at pets and tools. They got me some folders which Emma picked out, and the house was super clean when I got home! I unfortunately have no pictures from today, the only place I could see the ocean from was the room where the doctor looked up my nose. 😏

Emma’s uneven haircut

We went to Don Quixote, another large Japanese store not good for sensory sensitive people. Emma tried on sunglasses.

Baby chopsticks...I need these.