So last I told you, Emma has Spanish class. Then last night, she came home speaking Japanese. I didn’t know what she was saying, so I had her speak into my Google Translate app. She was saying either “What is your name?” or “How old are you?” Or both. I was confused. So today I asked her teacher. They have...both! I can’t remember the details, but I think the teacher said they have Spanish class on Wednesday and Friday, and ‘culture class,’ where she would learn about Japanese culture, every few days, as part of a rotation with music, art, and PE. Hopefully she can keep them straight! I know enough Spanish to be able to telll the difference of which language she is speaking at least. And thank goodness for Google Translate! I have a feeling we will be using it a lot.

Work from Culture Class...which really confused me.

Walking to school in the rain. It’s nice to be able to walk. She is definitely a California girl. Yesterday it was about 50 degrees when we were walking to school. She said it felt like winter. But tomorrow the sun comes out!
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