Today we got the keys to our new house! We brought all of our stuff over and started unpacking our household things...towels, pans, untensil, etc. We put in some shelf liners and went to the park that is by our tower. This afternoon they delivered our loaner furniture, and we also have internet! Sleep...well, let’s just say we are still adjusting. Tired, cranky, trying to stay awake...that’s kinda how we are, but I think we are gettting better. No naps today, but we will probably go to bed early. I have a feeling after this weekend we will be good.

Crying because she didn’t get the room with the bathroom and front porch

She was running in the spare room and got a rug burn.

Apparently she couldn’t walk because of it

Playing at the new park

This tree has flowers that remind me of roses.

New park

Checking our other buildings

Living room area

Living/dining room

Master bedroom


Emma’s room

She calls it the queen room because of the dresser and mirror
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