Emma's birth story...for those interested. If not, just scroll down and enjoy the pictures!
I had a fairly uncomfortable pregnancy. The first trimester I was very nauseous, and the second trimester was great. But then the day after my grandmother died, at the beginning of my third trimester, Emma got on my sciatic nerve. I was very uncomfortable, and could hardly walk the month of July. Thankfully, the pain let up some in August. At my 38 week appointment, my blood pressure was high. Even though it started going down, my doctor wanted to induce soon. She gave me the option of the next day (Friday) or Monday. I chose Monday. So we had the weekend to 'plan,' get hotel reservations for family, plan their trips, etc. On Monday, Steven went into work and came home to take me out to lunch...at which time he told me he had just found out that he was deploying to Afghanistan in April, for six months. So trying to process this, I remembered we still had to go to the hospital to have a baby that night! (I do have a picture of me right before we went to the hospital, but it is on my computer in Texas.)
Anyway, we arrived at the hospital at 7pm where they got me all checked in and hooked up. We both spent the night. In the morning, I still had no contractions, so they gave me some pitocin at 6:45, to help get them started. By 8AM, nothing was happening so they broke my water. My contractions began shortly thereafter, and they just wouldn't let up. I wasn't getting breaks in between contractions, so at 10AM I had an epidural. I wasn't angry like other people say they are, I just wanted to cry because of the pain. So after the epidural, my contractions slowed down about 11:30...which we were confused about until the doctor came in at 12:30 to say I was fully dilated already. She had a c-section to do, so she came back later...and after 4 pushes, Emma was born at 1:32pm, August 28, 2012. I got to hold her right after she was born, with her cord still attached. Steven cut the cord.
Playing in the park in Harrisonville, MO, on the way home from Springfield. |
Valentine's Day |
Easter at the Fishers |
Playing with the baby in the mirror |
Chillin on Lou's quilt. |
Concked out in bed with Daddy. |
Getting a kiss from Daddy before he goes back to work. |
My beautiful little family. :) |
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