Today we went to Round 1. It is a....large activity place? The first one had bowling, an arcade, etc. It was close to base, but Steven knew there was a better one, so we went to that one. It was crazy. I can’t even tell you all we did. We got a 90-minute pass, and basicallly spent 5 minutes doing a lot of different things. I see how you could spend all day there. I couldn’t even take pictures of everything. Here is a list of what they have that I can remember: trampoline room, hover board rink thing, skating rink, mini bowling, billiards, tennis, batting cage, golf, badminton, soccer, basketball, tennis, a ginormous play area for little kids, and that is seriously only about half of what they have there. It was crazy and we couldn’t even get to everything in 90 minutes! Next time I will take more pictures, but this is good for now:

At the first one. Throwing things at the screen.

Mario Kart

She wanted to be Princess Peach

It’s so much fun to be the driver!

She won!

At the big one. Daddy riding a bull.

You stack up the cubes so the characters can get the apples.

Giant balloons

More, smaller balloons.

Shooting balls at each other

There were so many things to do in this place.

Fill the bottom so it goes to the top and dumps all the balls out.


Japan has the coolest things. This was a game that was projected on the floor. I will try to upload all my videos tomorrow.

Emma almost hitting Daddy with her gold club

She needed some help

I don’t know what these are called. Stevennwas much better at it than I was, as you will see in the video tomorrow.

Roller skating goes about as well as jump roping.

Here Daddy, you try this.

And let me hop on, too!


We tried to win a minion, but no luck. Emma was very sad. They have a million of these machines here.
I accidentally left my lights on in the car while we were inside having the car was dead when we got out. You have to have a Japanese phone to call our insurance to get roadside assistance, but when I told Steven that he just flagged someone down and jumped it real quick. I was very thankful. We had a fun day, and will definitely go back!