Yesterday we went to Aeon Mall and Joyful Honda. Steven left his coat, hat and gloves in Okinawa, so we were looking for those things as well as some things for Emma for school. We did not find anything Steven liked that wasn’t overpriced, so we went to Joyful Honda and got dinner and some stuff for Emma. She needed stuff to make a Valentines Box and we needed “indoor shoes,” for her field trip to a Japanese school on Friday. (We got some, but they are the wrong size so I have to back.) We had fun shopping, but we got tired easily...Aeon mall is 3 stories and we didn’t even get anything. Joyful Honda is also huge, like a double decker Walmart, maybe even bigger than that. Shopping is just exhausting.

Trying out the camping chairs...good to do when you are tired of shopping and just want to sit.

Daddy let her get ice cream on a school day!

We found Mario pencils! But since they were expensive, we just took a picture.

A family-sized sleeping bag! 🤔

She has been playing Out-Foxed in the mornings. I’m not awake enough at 6am to play, so she does it by herself.
Aren't the shopping carts on the escalators a scream?