Today I had my sinus surgery, where they fixed my deviated septum and shrunk my turbinates. We had a nice drive down there by the ocean. And I even got to watch the whole first half of the Chiefs game before they too me back for surgery! Honestly, even with all the stints in my nose I feel like I can breathe better than before. Steven said they told him it went well and they got a lot out. My least favorite part was waking up from anesthesia, where my throat was still numbed from having the tube down it. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and coughed up blood...which is apparently normal. We made it home around 5:30-6. I felt pretty weak...I hadn’t eaten all day, and my nose is bleeding at a steady drip. But Steven and Emma have been loaning me arms to keep me steady while I walk. Emma told me not to walk anywhere by myself. :) She has been a very good helper. Warmed up some soup for me (her own idea), put my socks on me, and brought me my toothbrush so I didn’t have to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth....also her own idea. I’m pretty sure she must get her helpfulness from Daddy, as he has thought of everything, quite frankly too many things to list. He has been busy all day taking care of everything.
Right now I feel like...someone broke my nose. The pain isn’t horrible. It feels like when you get kneed in the nose/face, except that pain is constant. Mostly I’m weak. And annoyed by the constant bleding of my nose and very sore/scratchy throat from the tube. Tomorrow my friend Shannon is coming to sit withme since Steven is working. I wasn’t sure what to expect with this, but I had planned for Emma to take care of me tomorrow evening. We shall see how it goes.

My view waiting for surgery.

Apparently you are supposed to take silly pictures with this on.

Post-surgery. I barely remember taking this. I think I just wanted to see what my face looked like.

My current situation. Not sure what is sticking to me.

Sorry this is sideways. Steven organized my meds. The paper on the left can be moved up or down depending on when I wake up and take more meds. And it tells me when To take them the rest of the day tomorrow, since he will be gone. They are numbered.
God gave you an amazing helpmate my friend! Praying for your recovery!