Saturday, March 24, 2018

Last Weekend at Home

This was our last weekend at our house in California. We started off by Skyping with Aunt Grace, and then going to Cookies and Canvas, an event on base for families with a parent deployed. Soon we will not be in that group! Then we came home and met with a family from base who was interested in our van...and they want to buy it! We are so thankful it sold so quickly...I just posted it the day before!
 Honestly, the Lord has really been with us during this whole process. There are so many things I have or could have been worried about, not least of which is the timing of it all. But it has all worked out according to His plan. He does not always provide the way I want or think He will, but in this case especially, in my weakness He was strong. I have been reminding myself over and over whenever I get stressed, that He is able to make all grace abound...He is able to provide for all our needs, which He knows better than we do. Even last weekend when Emma was sick...we needed rest that we wouldn’t have taken if she wasn’t sick. This whole process has been a lesson in faith...I did what I could, accepted what I couldn’t, tried to receive it all...and let Him take care of the results, trusting that He knows best. We still have a lot ahead of us, but we are trying to just take one day at a a time!

We got haircuts yesterday. Emma was tired by the time we got there, asked a million times when it would be her turn. She wanted short, but we just took a couple inches off. She was asleep in the car before we got out of town. Our stylist also has a five year old and a husband who is a fire fighter, in the guard, and a brother in Korea.

Excited to paint!

2 hours is too long for a five year old! And it was pretty detailed, but she had fun! They both look better from a distance. 

We worked in her Easter Hat for the Easter Hat Parade on Thursday.

We got her some hiking boots off the yardsale page!

Ready to go hiking with Daddy! She actually took me hiking around the house.

Oh Uno. Playing Uno with Emma takes lots of patience because: she has to organize her cards, she doesn’t like to follow the rules, the game itself can take forever. I help her a lot...otherwise we would be there forever...or she would just draw cards until she got a plus 4 to use on me. If I’m not careful, when she gets a plus 2 or 4, she will take a stack and go through them to pick our the 2 or 4 card she wants, or just keep drawing without realizing she got one that she can play. She is doing better about not winning though.

She just look so cute!

She tried to wear her new hiking boots to church. Sorry, kid.

We went to Boston Market for Sunday lunch! Yum! We brought back lots of leftovers.

She found some shoes for Daddy! They are green, his favorite color.

Oh playing the bean bag/umbrella game. She has been very creative with no stuff in the house. 

I finally let her wear her boots to school on Monday.

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