The movers finished everything on Thursday. I was exhausted from the week, and it seemed to hit me Thursday when I walked through the empty house. Now we had to live here for two weeks with no stuff. I asked my friend Bridget to borrow an air mattress and when I went to pick it up, she had a whole pile of things ready for me: 2 air mattresses, sheets, blankets, pots and pans, plates and bowls, table and chairs. I was so grateful for her generosity, especially in my exhausted state. We loaded it all in the van and set up house for the next two weeks. Then while Skyping, Emma fell 5:30. She had told me she didn’t want to go to dance class. And I don’t know how, but over Skype Grandma Connie noticed that Emma’s eyes looked like she might have a fever, which she did. So she had to stay home from the school and she missed all the St. Patrick’s Day stuff they did, but we got some pictures.
Friday was hard. I was tired and cranky. We ended up just watching a lot of Netflix, and we colored...only for Emma to fall asleep again in the middle of the afternoon. Her fever had gone down to 99, so I didn’t think much of it. She acted fairly normal.
Saturday we started to not be so tired, and she seemed better, so we went to the library to get books, and the commissary for food. Ms. Holly invited Emma over to decorate cake balls, but after sword fighting with Chaplain Tangen, she grabbed her coat and asked to go. I had noticed while we were there she felt warm again, and when we got home I took her temperature: 102. So we had another afternoon of Netflix and naps. Today we stayed home from church, and had “home church.” We also colored, played Candy Land (from Bridget), painted nails, went to the park, pulled some weeds, Skyped and watched more Netflix. We feel much more rested. She had no fever today, so she goes back to school tomorrow. I still don’t have a clue what was wrong with her, but we definitely needed a restful weekend.

Emma finally made the 100 club!

We have actually had a thunderstorm or two! This one went north of us.

We had two moving companies doing two differnt shipments on was busy...they were all done by 1:30ish.

Empty house.

Emma went to Lily and Reagan’s on Tuesday and Thursday after school. They have a balance beam in their garage.

Random afternoon nap: Thursday.

Silly kid found daddy’s hat.


These pictures are from my friend Andria, Siri and Eleia’s mom. She took pictures for Emma to see what the leprechaun did.

He made a mess.

Helping Ms. Holly.

All done!

Such a little chef

Sword fighting with Chaplain Tangen, whom she remained Taylor?

Then she came home and did this.

Home church this morning. She set up chairs and was handing out bulletins.

My bulletin. ❤️

She led the singing. This was her doing announcements...which also resembled handing out awards at Awana or school.