Posting this new app wants me to purchase the full know, the one where you can actually post things? But my debit card got cancelled due to an unauthorized purchase, and I finally have a new card. And, we were sick all week last week, so I am finally updating the blog after a very long break!
I have a blog! I remembered! And I had to get another app because my last one kept crashing on me. :( Hopefully this one works. We are back in CA after our trip to KS for Christmas. I will try to do some posts from that trip this week. But for now, a few funny things from our week.
Tonight while talking to Steven, who was at the gym, Emma wanted to see where he was. He was in the men’s locker room so he said he couldn’t show her anything. We explained why and so her solution was for him to go into the girls locker room so that then she could see it. But alas, he is a boy and not allowed in there. So she told him he should go put on girl clothes and girl hair and just walk in and say, “I’m a girl.” Yep, that wouldn’t be suspicious at all. I told him he should probably shave first. 🤣🤣🤣I about died laughing. She has no idea what she was saying, and it was hilarious.

So last Saturday she made me breakfast. Oatmeal with Pb chips, honey roasted peanut butter, and honey...and Andes mint chips. She kept asking me if I could taste the mint. She made me a GIANT bowl of it...which I did not finish. She was so proud of herself. She also made us ‘milkshakes,’ which were vanilla protein shakes, with very little milk and some oatmeal lumps. I mixed my shake and oatmeal and it was edible.

She came home on Monday and dumped out 74% of her toys...this is everything she was gettting rid of before we moved. “We can’t keep everything. This is just what big girls do.” She saw me going through my closet earlier.
Oh and the slime. This was a stocking stuffer that has been her entertainment all week. She and Daddy make things out of slime on FaceTime together. This photo was mid reaction...he was aiming a gross face because she was pretending it was snot.
Trying out her chopsticks.

She loves her new pillow, Aunt Faith!

Kissing Daddy on the pillow.

Not sure if she was talking to it or just looking at it.

Today was crazy wars day at school. She has also worn these pants 3 days in a row...I guess she likes them. They are soft and fuzzy on the inside.

She learned about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today in school. It is funny to hear the many different ways she tries to say his name.
They each made and “I have a dream....” thing. Most of the kids said for everyone to have food or a home. Emma wants a cat.
She picked green as her favorite color because of Daddy, and her favorite food is strawberries.