I hesitate to post these pictures, as I know you all are getting ready for another winter storm this weekend. But this is our weather. Emma has been extra, um, difficult, lately...she hasn't been sleeping well and our schedule was off, which translates into whiny, obstinant, loud, and in general just extra two-year-old-ness. Thankfully yesterday we did our normal stuff, and she was slightly more reasonable. Keeping her busy seems to work best...which is exhausting for us, but I would rather keep busy when I am exhausted than deal with the alternatives. So anyway, we played outside in our 72 degree weather, Emma chased a bird all over the yard...that bird just kept hopping around and wouldn't fly off, and I was like,"bird, don't you know a toddler is after you? Run!" Which it finally did. Then we went to dance class. They are in a new room, so we can't see them anymore, so we went into their old room, the rev room and played ping pong and pool. Emma joined us when her class was over...they also do have kids toys in there.
These are the things she is going to remember when she gets older...playing pool with daddy, volleyball, lifting weights.