These pictures are from the other day. Emma had a shower that day, so her hair was nice and clean and shiny blonde, and she had just woken up from a nap, so she was happy...and she was outside. I thought she was too cute not to share. :)
Oh, it's bright. I need my sunglasses. |
Is this how they go on? |
Ahh, that's better. |
I feel like I need to do an update on what Emma is doing lately. She is learning new things everyday. She usually listens very good. She loves anything that sings songs, and she loves to fact I will try to post the head-banging video this week. She usually only climbs up one step, and then either comes back down or waits for one of us to take her upstairs for whatever reason. She says lots of 'words' and we can understand some of them...but if you aren't around her you won't understand much. For example, she grunts for yes, and nods her whole body. And she has an ornery face most of the time when she shakes her head no. She is very good at saying thank you, even without telling her to. Her favorite food is blueberries. I am pretty sure she said 'yellow' last week, and even pointed to it on a page when I asked her to. She also is signing 'please,' now, thanks to Daddy. She almost always says yes when I ask her if she wants to go night night. Last night at our church's Thanksgiving dinner, Emma 'played' with the other kids. She 'spun around' (moved her arms around) and jumped (moved her arms up and down). She had a blast until her tummy became upset. She walks and runs everywhere. She LOVES to be chased...especially while holding the phone and talking to grandma. She takes showers with us and loves it. She loves to have two binkies. And she is basically in 9 month clothes, or sometimes 12 months with cloth diapers....last time we were at the doctor she weighed like 17lbs. She is a small girl, and apparently needs to eat every two hours. :) She also loves her accessories...anything that resembles a purse or bracelet, shoes, socks, she loves them! She loves to skype and watch videos of herself on the ipad. Well, that is all I can think of for now!
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