Sunday, January 20, 2013

My new haircut

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. We have been very  busy. We had a date night on Friday....and our date nights in general have, well, not gone as planned. This time Security Forces wouldn't let us sign our babysitter on base because their system was down and they 'aren't writing paper passes anymore.' So we had to get Emma ready and take her to Kerry's house for the evening. So there went an hour of our date. Also, we were so busy on Friday that Emma was exhausted by the time the evening came. She finally went down about 4:30, but the national anthem woke her up at 5. She looked tired and miserable...just wanted mommy to hold her so she could go to sleep again. However, we had to take her to Kerry's. I know she took like a 20 minute nap, but I think she was pretty upset when she woke up in a strange house with strange people.  (We were going to work out at the fire school for our date, but that didn't work since we had to leave base.)  Anyway, I think we are going to take a break from date seems to work out much better when we take Emma with us. She usually falls asleep while we eat, so it is basically a free date night.

Anyway, we were all pretty tired by the time it was time for bed Friday night. It has been taking me an hour to get Emma down, which wears me out. Happily, I think she is either growing or we wore her out on Friday, because she slept a LOT yesterday, and it didn't take as long to put her to sleep. It was a nice break for us. We watched a lot of Duck Dynasty since our house was clean from Friday. :) She even slept over 12 hours last night. (Yesterday when she woke up for the day, after only 8 total hours, I read her the book that said she was supposed to sleep 10-12 hours a night, plus 2-2 hour naps. She seems to have listened...I should have read this to her before!)

I also got a haircut was way overdue. Emma liked it.

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