Merry Christmas! Thank you to our families who Skyped early for us to open presents on our Christmas morning! I didn’t take very many pictures today, but it was a good day. We opened presents, watched a tiny bit of football, played Quiddler Junior, had biscuits and gravy for breakfast, and steak, mashed potatoes and homemade rolls for dinner. We were too full for dessert...maybe tomorrow.

I got Emma this cute jacket ...if I had remembered to wear my green coat we would both have been in Christmas colors. And I forgot to take a picture of us all. We went light looking before the Christmas Eve service, it was so much fun to see Emma’s enjoyment of it all. Our Christmas Eve service was late, she was pretty wiggly... she brought her old lady glasses, too, apparently. They did have bags of activities for the kids, but it was still late.

Emma and Chelsea, in pajama outfit #1.

Pajama outfit #2. She loved being twins.

Playing with her Pioneer Woman Barbie kitchen set. She loves watching her on TV, although she doesn’t know her name. Poor Daddy played Barbies today. Not his favorite thing, But he was a good sport.

Daddy and Emma took Chelsea for a walk.