Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bunk beds

Emma shared bunk beds with Aunt Faith while we stayed in Kansas this summer. She has been into them ever since. She has turned her dolly crib upside down making a dolly bunk bed, and yesterday she made the minion's bunk beds out of blocks. 
Bunk beds just like Aunt Faith!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sick at home

Llama llama has a book about being sick at home, but with his mama. It's one of our favorites, except that the mama gets sick, too. (No I am not sick, but Emma still is.)  If she isn't feeling too bad she does play dough, or plays Alphabet Go-Fish. But sometimes she doesn't even want to do that, or even talk much for that matter. So we turn on Netfilx or read books. 
Her play dough that she did with Daddy.
She fell asleep reading to herself during quiet time.

I'm trying to keep this updated better, mostly because my phone has been dying on me a just in case.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Minions and sick days

Emma reminded me that I told her we would celebrate her birthday again when Daddy got home. She kept reminding me, so we finally did it. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and then Daddy ran in to Walmart and got her a hula-hoop, minions and some fun bags. It was fun. That night we discovered she had caught a cold, and as she was up a lot in the night with a stuffy nose.  So she stayed home from school with Daddy while I went to Bible study. She did go to Awana, but then woke up this morning and seemed worse. So we kept her home again. We have been making minion towers, watching Ace of Cakes, play dough, and doing some snuggling. 
Minion towers...

She likes the tall ones best.
She was very excited for crazy hat night.
Going to chech the mail withDaddy
 She didn't want to smile.
Tired girl.
Emma missed her Thanksgiving feast at school today, and since she was sick we couldn't go to the squadron Thanksgiving dinner, so Steven brought us some yummy food.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sweet little momma

Emma is such a good mom to her dolls. I  love watching her...well most of the time. Sometimes I cringe when I hear her, hoping I don't really sound like that. :/ 
But anyway, I caught some good moments on Sunday. 
Watching football with her doll. 
Holding her Dolly's hand praying with her when she put her to bed. Can my heart melt now?

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Veterans Day

Steven had to work on Veterans Day, but Emma was off from school. We went for a bike ride/run, watched Ace of Cakes (Emma likes cooking shows), went shopping and took Chipotle to the station for dinner. It was a good, full day. 
This was actually the night before. He was 'driving' her all sorts of places.
Talking on walkie-talkies.
I don't remember November being so nice.
She rode 2 miles!
Her new 'OK to wake' clock. It lights up green when she can come out of her room. :) so far it works great!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Bike ride

I have been trying to let Emma get more exercise on Saturday mornings since she is in school....and our weather was fabulous today, so I asked her if she would like to ride her bike while I took Pepper for a walk. She was very excited, and she did great. We even had to run a little to keep up with her. We went the long way to the dog park, where she took a break, and then home for a total ride of a little over a mile. She woke up early, and had a birthday party this afternoon, so I hope she sleeps great!
Nice November morning 
Giving her new bear some tea, while  taking a break at the dog park.

None of my pictures came out well, but we found some nice piano music on our TV, so she danced all around with bear.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Shopping, Awana, Pepper

Emma was my shopping buddy the other day, as I had gift cards burning a hole in my pocket. :) We went to a few stores, and she did really good at first, but then slowly went downhill. But it was fun and I got some good stuff.  
And yesterday at Awana I finally made it in to watch the Cubbies get their award. I missed the first couple, and Emma told me, "I didn't see you when I was onstage." :( so I made sure I was in there this time.
It's more fun to shop when you get to try on clothes...or jewelry 
She wanted this coat, but I told her it doesn't get cold enough here for coats. But it is cute.
She dressed bear up for church. She is wearing one of my new necklaces she picked out.
Cubbies! They are all so cute!
It's sibling rivalry with these two. Emma laid this out for herself, but every time she got up Pepper took her spot.
But it's not like Emma is innocent.
She has gotten very good at riding her bike. She loves to ride to the park. She also likes to place ice cream shop in the 'general store.' This time she said it was goi g to take a while to make my ice cream, so I told her to deliver it on her bike. :)