Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fun with friends

Saturday night we had some friends over, so we ate pizza, went to the park, did puzzles, played Candyland, and made honey milk balls. It was fun to have some extra kids around to play with. 
Pizza and homemade applesauce...or apples for those who preferred that. 
Mixing up their dry ingredients 
Mixing, rolling into balls.
Ashlynn made tiny balls
The boys had fun, too.
They all did a great job! They were delicious!
At the park...Emma is making this face on purpose.
They had fun just all bouncing down the stairs together...? 


Emma said she wanted to be Cinderella for Halloween, so at the JBF sale last weekend we searched for one. Amazingly, we found the only one, a nice one, in her size, not expensive! She loves its. She has been enjoying all her new clothes, even the ones that are too big or are for cooler weather. :) 
Haha, it looks like I'm making Cinderella do dishes, but I'm not. Although she does want to do them.
She insisted on wearing this one, which is adorable, but I thought might be too hot for 90 degrees.

Trying to be a princess.
Excited for medicine!
Watching football.
Riding her bike! She is doing very well now.
Cleaning the bathroom!
She has been falling asleep reading a lot lately.
Eating a bowl if plain shredded iceberg lettuce. She gets this from Steven.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sick days

Emma caught a cold the other day, and then shared it with me. So we have been hanging out at home, watching movies, playing games, coughing, sneezing, drinking tea, snuggling, playing, skyping, making soup and watching football. We have gone out a couple times to the store, since we were getting cabin fever (and needed food), but not too much since we don't want to get anyone else sick. 
We were medicine buddies! She was very excited to take her medicine for once.
Giving green dolly a bath while we watch football.

A yogurt-y hand on my glass.

This is not my picture, but we made this Turkey Pot Pie soup on Saturday and it is delicious!
Here is the link:

Monday, September 12, 2016

Good worker

Sorry for not blogging...we have had several late nights, mostly having fun playing with friends. But anyways... Emma is becoming quite the little helper, and a good caretaker if you are a doll or stuffed animal. She loves to help, and it is so munch nicer now that it is actually helpful. She even got Josiah a drink all by herself the other night. :) 
Oh this girl. She had a "baby" in her tummy.
Taking kitty for a walk.

Playing dentist.
She got 3 shots, so we had a treat afterwards.
Making PB cupcakes for Aunt Faith's birthday!
They were vegan, so we enjoyed licking ALL of the batter.
On Saturday the chapel helped out a church who makes sack lunches for homeless people. Emma did all the cat food herself. She chatted away to these ladies while I did melons. She told them about her daddy, Pepper, and even showed them her muscles. :) you never know what little kids will say to strangers.
She was such a good little worker, they enjoyed having her. 
And they gave her a Pluto!
She brought him home and read to him.
Not a great picture of either of us, but we were relaxing on the couch, watching football.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Labor Day

Momma and I had a busy Labor Day, it was good to enjoy the weather and the holiday. Holidays can be weird, because as a firefighter they just mean really nothing for Steven, and therefore us. But I was feeling like we needed a break, so we didn't do any of our normal Monday stuff. Instead Emma walked her kitty in her stroller, all the way to the dog park...almost a mile round trip. So instead of me being exhausted after a run, she was. :) Then we went to the park in Lincoln for a picnic and playing with Carter and Josiah. Afterwards we all went swimming on base. I figured she would be exhausted, but at bedtime she told me she wasn't tired...a recurring theme lately.
Organizing my measuring spoons.
We may have dressed alike...Emma's choice. It's fun when you're 4.
Out for a walk
The weather was so nice!
Watching Prpper at the dog park.
This is what she did when we got home.

Playing in the sand.
Since it was the last day the pool was open, they were giving away their candy. :)
I told her to read books instead of coming downstairs when she 'wasn't tired yet.'
We curled her hair today.
This is what happened during quiet time today. Apparently she wasn't tired again. :) ahh...the peace of nap times. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Running shoes

When we were at Walmart the other day, Emma got some new shoes. These are her first shoes that need to be tied. She calls them her running shoes...and pretty much only wears them for running...during which she just sits in the stroller. So they should last a while, or maybe she needs to start running. :)
They also matched her dance class outfit.
She put 'Emma' in the stroller and took her for a run around the house.
Warming up!