Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Here is a sneak peek of Emma's costume for tonight! Isn't she the cutest kitty in the world!? These pictures are from the Halloween party at the Fire School.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New foods

Emma is trying new foods all the time...and rethinking old favorites, too. Sometimes she likes a food, then she doesn't want it, then she likes it another time. It's hard to keep up sometimes. Anyway, her particular eating habits make it hard to order her food when we go out to eat, since I never really know what she will want that day. She has a couple of things that she seems to always like...for example, mac and cheese, just like Mom. She also loves corn. So at Taco Bell, I ordered a couple bean and cheese burritos, corn and rice. Her corn came with some peppers in it, but she still like it. In fact, she seemed to prefer the green and red peppers...whose child is this? (I do not like bell peppers, I prefer chili peppers.) AND she didn't seem to even want the burritos! Unless she could eat it like me, of course...but she still seemed to prefer her peppers and corn. Strange.
Choosing the red pepper over the corn or green pepper in Daddy's experiment.

Here Daddy, have some!

Busy weekend

This last weekend Steven's parents came to visit. It was nice to see them...Emma especially enjoyed see some of her family again, after spending so much time with them this summer. They arrived Friday evening and left Monday around lunch time. They got to go to the pumpkin patch with us, to the Halloween party at the fire school, and they also watched Emma so that Steven and I could spend Sunday afternoon together. It was a fun filled weekend.

Reading the chameleon book.

One of Emma's new outfits from her bday party.

Mac and cheese hair.

Grandpa, I'm going to fix your hair.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Well, we took a 'few' pictures while we were at the pumpkin patch this weekend. Emma was super cute, walking around...playing with the hay. Apparently the hay was very interesting. She also enjoyed seeing all the other kids of course...could have cared less about the pumpkins. :) Oh well, we had fun anyway.

Look who else was 'at' the pumpkin patch!

Here Daddy, have some hay.

Just chillin in a pumpkin carriage.

Mom, I want to get down and play!

Ooh, hay!


Little pumpkin family.

Ahhhhhh!!! Mommy's chasing me!

We all had so much fun!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Our Trip to Fredericksburg

We had a good trip to Fredericksburg. We (Steven and Emma) took naps, played, chased a kitty, walked, saw some deer, wild turkeys and donkeys, shopped, ate, and just had some good family fun. Here are some pictures from our trip...sorry, they are mostly of Emma. :)
This is where we stayed:
Emma wanted to eat the apple, too.

Emma's friend, the kitty. Free entertainment!

Playing in the window...this kitty was very starved for attention.

Emma thought the door step was a little seat for her.

Exploring the second floor with Daddy.

Sitting in a big girl chair.

Chasing the kitty.

Saving the kitty from Emma.

Ahhh!!! Don't let go Daddy!

Emma was too busy exploring to look at me.
I also had a great birthday...Steven even stayed awake the whole day! :) We changed our plans a little, and instead of fancy Italian for dinner, we went to Pizza Hut. It was good since they had a salad bar and Emma could eat something besides mac and cheese. It was so nice to be able to go shopping (esp. to the chocolate store) and hang out together. Plus the weather wa

s great. Emma had so much fun watching all the new things and people. It is so nice to have Steven home...much more fun to be a co-parent...I get to enjoy more. :) Check back next week for pictures of our trip to the pumpkin patch!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Emma and I dressed alike today. I figure I better dress her however I want while I still can.
Dad, can I have my binky back now?

Daddy's Hat

Steven is still adjusting to being home...especially the time difference. His sleep has been off...usually waking up in the middle of the night, getting tired in the afternoon. It is getting better, but yesterday during his afternoon nap Emma decided to play with his hat. And of course I thought it was cute and made her try it on so I could take pictures!

Whats  up dog?

Walking around with it still on.

Read me this book!
Also in cute news this week: Yesterday Steven said, "Emmamamama," so Emma said, "Dadadadada." It was super cute. She also climbed up the first step of the stairs yesterday.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Family Walk

Saturday was the day that Pepper has been waiting for...we finally all went for a walk. :) She was one happy puppy dog. It was 38 degrees when we woke up, so it was a little chilly even by the afternoon, hence our jackets.
Petting Pepper with Daddy.

Emma wanted to help walk Pepper

Hi Mom! Where's my stroller?

Heading out on our walk (and to get the stroller from the car).
On a side note....I may not post much this week...especially the end of the week. We are heading to Fredericksburg on Wednesday for some undistracted family time. We will come home on Friday.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Emma's One Year Old Party, Take Two

Last night we went to Johnny and Jennifer's house to welcome Steven home and to celebrate Emma's birthday with Daddy and our Texas family. It went much better than her first party.  :) She even knew what to do with her cake...and she loved it!

Thanks to Jennifer who put together fabulous 1st birthday party!

Jennifer bought this tu-tu for Emma before she was born.

Hmmm...cake! And Mommy is letting me touch it!

And eat it all by myself!
Presents! And BAGS!

This is what she first did with her cake.

Daddy's Home!!!!!

Sorry for the lack of posting the last few days, but we have been busy enjoying having Steven home. :)
Here are some pictures I took the day he got back. Many people, and all the books, said that Emma would be clingy to me and possibly scared of him...she was none of that. She acted like that at the airport, but there were also 20 strange people around (who came to welcome him home) and she needed a nap. But as soon as it was just us, she warmed right up to him...almost forgot about me!
She brought Daddy her fire truck book right away.

Only Daddy can get her to giggle like this!
Emma has been loving having Daddy much that she doesn't want to take very good naps. However, she has been sleeping GREAT at night. I mean, I haven't slept this good in about, oh, 6 months. :) It's nice to having him home!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekend at home, Part 2

We have had some rainy days the last few days. It wasn't too cold the other day, so we decided to go out and play in our puddle.

She kept trying to put the leaves back on the bush.

Little footprints. :)

I gave Pepper an old pillow. :)